Pension Plan
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We are pleased to provide you with this Summary Plan Description (SPD) publication that describes the benefits of your Pension Plan.
We encourage you to review this publication carefully so that you are aware of all of the benefits to which you are entitled as well as some important restrictions and responsibilities. Our goal is to present and explain your benefits in language that is easy to understand. However, sometimes we must use terms that are not used in everyday conversation for legal reasons. You can call or write the Fund Office for answers to any questions you may have about the Plan and how any rule affects you.
This publication provides a summary of the Plan rules as in effect December 1, 2014. If the facts and circumstances of a particular situation must be considered for a time before December 1, 2014, the provisions of the Plan in effect at the relevant date must be applied. Those provisions may be different from the current rules as explained in this publication.
This publication is only a summary of the Pension Plan rules. The complete rules of the Plan are contained in the Operating Engineers Pension Plan which is available upon request from the Fund Office. If there is any conflict between the information in this publication and the Plan rules, the Plan rules will govern.
For your protection, only the Board of Trustees is authorized to interpret the rules of the Plan. Information you receive from the Union or employers or their representatives should be regarded as unofficial. Official information about your rights under the Plan must be communicated to you, in writing, signed on behalf of the Board of Trustees. The Board has authorized the Fund Office to communicate with participants on its behalf. Please remember to keep the Fund Office informed of any change in your mailing address. This will ensure that you receive all communications.
The Pension Plan has been providing benefits and retirement security for over 50 years. We are proud of the growth and success of the Plan and believe it will continue to provide significant measure of security to you and your beneficiaries for many years to come.