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Summary Plan Description

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Pension SPD Cover Page

Table of Contents

  1. Cover Page
  2. Introduction
  3. Glossary of Terms
  4. Pension Credits
    1. Prior Pension Credit (for periods before June 1, 1960)
    2. Current Pension Credit (for periods after June 1, 1960)
  5. Vesting
  6. Breaks in Employment and Permanent Break in Employment
    1. Breaks in Employment
    2. Permanent Break in Employment
  7. Pension Eligibility Requirements and Amounts
    1. Pension Eligibility Requirements
    2. Definition of Total and Permanent Disability
    3. Pro Rata Pensions
    4. National Pipeline Agreement: Central Pension Plan
    5. Pension Amounts
  8. Forms of Pension Payment
    1. Single Life Annuity (with 120 months guaranteed)
    2. 50% or 75% Joint & Survivor Annuity (formerly called the Husband-and-Wife Pension)
    3. Automatic Lump Sum Benefit (instead of Monthly Pension Payments)
    4. Lump Sum Benefit at Retirement
  9. Death Benefits
    1. Death After Retirement Benefits Begin
    2. Death Before Retirement Benefits Begin
    3. Designating a Beneficiary
    4. Failure to Designate a Beneficiary
  10. Starting Your Pension Payments
    1. Effective Date (Annuity Starting Date)
    2. Required Payments
    3. Methods of Receiving Pension Payment
  11. Retirement and Suspension of Pension Payments for Work After Retirement
    1. Retirement
    2. Suspension of Pension Payments
    3. Required Notifications
    4. Pension Payments Following Suspension
  12. Appealing the Denial of a Claim
  13. General Information
    1. Qualified Domestic Relations Orders
    2. Rollovers to Another Plan
    3. Overpayments
    4. Incompetence or Incapacity of a Pensioner
    5. Non-Assignment of Benefits
    6. Information Required from Participants
  14. Some Questions and Answers About the Plan
  15. Checklist: Things for You to Do
  16. Facts About Your Plan
    1. Collective Bargaining Agreements
    2. Source of Contributions
    3. Trust Fund
    4. Plan Amendment and Termination
    5. Plan Termination Insurance
    6. Source of Financing of the Plan and Identity of any Organization Through Which Benefits are Provided
    7. Fiscal Plan Year
    8. The Plan’s Requirements with Respect to Eligibility for Participation and Benefits
    9. Description of Provisions for Non-Forfeitable Pension Benefits
    10. Circumstances Resulting in Disqualification, Ineligibility or Denial or Loss of Benefits
    11. Review Procedure
  17. Statement of ERISA Rights
    1. Receive Information About Your Plan and Benefits
    2. Prudent Actions by Plan Fiduciaries
    3. Enforce Your Rights
    4. Assistance with Your Questions