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General Information

Plan Identification Numbers

The Plan uses the Social Security Number (SSN) of the Participant, the Operating Engineers Identification Number (OEID) or the Operating Engineers Union Local 12 Register Number as an identification number for all transactions. All claims and correspondence that you send to the Fund Office should include one of these identification numbers. A missing identification number can significantly delay payment of your claims.

Plan Rules and Regulations

This booklet contains a summary of the most important provisions of the Plan rules. The actual Rules and Regulations of the Plan govern every aspect of the Plan. That is the legal document which is the basis for all eligibility and benefit provisions. You may obtain a copy of the current Rules and Regulations by contacting the Fund Office.

Change of Address

It is important to keep the Fund Office advised of your current physical and mailing address. All mailings from the Fund Office will be made to the last known mailing address.

All address changes must be in writing signed by the eligible Participant. Telephone changes cannot be accepted. For a copy of this form please contact the Fund’s Member Services department at (866) 400-5200, or visit our website at www.oefi.org.

Life Events

The Plan requires certain documentation on various occasions known as “Life Events” as outlined in the following chart.

Life Event Documentation Required by the Plan
Marriage Certified copy of the recorded marriage certificate
Divorce Copy of the recorded final divorce decree
Birth Certified copy of the recorded birth certificate
Adoption Copy of the adoption papers issued by the court
Guardianship Copy of the guardianship papers issued by the court
Physically and/or Mentally Disabled Dependents A completed Total Disability Application (available from the Fund Office or on the Plan’s website at www.oefi.org) and a copy of the attending physician’s
history and physical report
Death Certified copy of the death certificate

Useful Telephone Numbers

Fund Office Telephone Numbers
Member Services
(866) 400-5200
Administration, Human Resources and I.T. Departments
(626) 356-1000
Language Assist Line
(626) 356-3555
(800) 877-4444
Las Vegas Fund Office (702) 949-1219
TTY Line
(626) 356-3582

To avoid the expense of a long distance call to FAX something to the Fund Office, you may call the appropriate local District Office of I.U.O.E., Local 12 listed below, and ask them to FAX your material to the Fund Office.

Local District Office of I.U.O.E. (Local 12)
(626) 792-2519
(661) 942-1175
(805) 643-8740
Arroyo Grande
(805) 489-1533
(661) 325-9491
San Diego
(858) 427-8788
(909) 307-8700
Palm Desert
(760) 779-0299
Las Vegas
(702) 598-1212
(714) 827-4591

Revised 07/2024