Vacation-Holiday Plan
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Each Participant who has funds available in his Vacation Holiday Plan account is eligible to make withdrawals upon demand prior to the December 1st annual distribution date. However, in order to allow administrative processing time for the annual distribution, no withdrawals can be made after November 1st for work periods prior to the immediately preceding July 1st.
Participants must complete a withdrawal application form which can be obtained from the Las Vegas or Pasadena Fund Offices, any Union District Office, through the mail or on the Fund’s website: The completed application can be mailed or faxed to the Fund Office or dropped off in person. The Participant’s signature on all Vacation Holiday Fund withdrawal applications that are faxed or mailed in must be notarized or witnessed by a Local 12 Business Agent. If the withdrawal application is faxed from a Local 12 District Office, it can be witnessed by the Local 12 employee assisting the Participant.
For walk-in applications brought in by the Participant to the Pasadena or Las Vegas Trust Fund Offices, a valid form of picture ID will be required. If a Participant wishes to authorize his spouse to pick up a Vacation Holiday check, the withdrawal application must be witnessed by a Business Agent or notarized and accompanied by a notarized letter authorizing the spouse to pick up the check. The authorization letter must be current-dated and signed by the Participant.